How to get rid of a psychological complex

How to get rid of a psychological complex

Concept of psychological node

       The term psychic knot appeared in its 
beginnings at the School of Psychological   Analysis; Sigmund Freud saw the term as a kind of easy words that, in many cases,     could not be abandoned for her role in 
the collection of psychological facts            within a descriptive framework

The term "mental node" is generally defined as a set of ideas, attitudes, and perceptions that have significant spiritual value and are not expressed in part or in all parts of it. The psychological complex is often formed during the periods and stages of development that the human being experiences in his childhood

The psychological complex is also defined as a behavioral phenomenon that possesses its own independent existence and is generated as a result of the practices of the suppression. Other definitions of psychological complexity include systems and behavioral patterns that exist continuously and permanently, such as understanding languages and possessing musical skills, and these patterns or behaviors remain constant and ready to be launched at all times

: Signs of mental node presence

Each psychological behavior has a set of characteristics, complex psychological behavior is characterized by a set of signs, and its validity represents two fundamental advantages  

Trivial havior is repeated and subjective  *

The emergence of complex behavior with a change in reactions according to situations and events, and shows shyness from the psychological aspect with the synchronization of the appearance of the self by all its limits, but the individual who suffers from complex psychological keeps the behavioral mechanism of his reactions constant and performs the same role, this appears in the focus on changing the sensory content

: Excessive and exaggerated behavior * 

The emergence of complex non-existent behavior without any simple sign, resulting in sharp, exaggerated reactions and a distortion of situations that need not be ignored, and results in a combination of compensatory reactions to the knot from which the individual suffers

How to get rid of the psychic knot

Automatic and spontaneous highlight

It is a way to stimulate self-acceptance feelings, to avoid internal conflicts with them, to practice relaxation and to address different situations as they are without going into and exaggerating their interpretations, and to let the self-free to move and interact without imaginary restrictions

: It must be strong with will

Support the individual for himself in solving his/her problem by using ways and strategies to control, not surrender to and control emotions and bad habits

 : You must be frank with yourself

It is the search for the truth itself so that it can know who is and what feels, so that it can reach a better stage than understanding itself, identifying its personal and self-identity, knowing its individual abilities, and determining the achievements it has achieved. The individual must maintain his own confidence, prepare himself and believe in him

: Group or social treatment

Treatment based on a group of individuals meeting at a single treatment session, so that the members of this group are involved in suffering from a similar psychological complex, and group therapy sessions are regularly controlled by the guide
This makes it easier for the individual to include in the self-understanding and awareness of the problems experienced by other people, and the individual will show the general picture of his/her own problems, as well as the opening up of social interaction and the widening of social relations

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