Hushiko's loyal dog

Hushiko's loyal dog

Japan is famous for one  the wonderful tales 
of loyalty that appeared in a popular district in Tokyo that includes a dog that showed the true loyalty of its owner, and through time the Japanese government made and put a heart dog in the same place
To turn into a Japanese myth about which newspapers are written, and made from his story an American film that achieves millions of revenues, in the following lines we show you the story of Hatshiko , who was produced in his story

: Hatshiko Dog Story

Hachiko's Akita dog was born in 1923 in the Japanese city of Obidata, brought by Professor Ainu, a professor of agriculture at the University of Tokyo, to Tokyo City and accompanied him every day to the railway station in Shibuya in the morningHe then waits there until Eno returns again at 3 p.m. and will continue to play all day in front of the station until his owner comes
Then one day Professor Ainu suffered a heart attack during a lecture at Tokyo's Faculty of Agriculture, which led to his death in 1922 CE, but the dog did not know and went to the station every day waiting to arrive on time as usual in the afternoon

This continued for several years until people noticed the existence of this dog in the same place and the same date every day, and spread his story, so many sympathized with him until they came to him with food, and the train station manager allowed him to stay thereAfter he saw that no one was -injured and allocated a place to sleep, then on the day that Professor Ainu students decided to take the dog to raise, feed and care for himBut Hatchiko's dog kept leaving him and went to the train station as usual, and in this way he remained for nine full years

Hachiko's dog dies

On March 8, 1935m, the dog Hachiko died at the station where the owner was waiting
Therefore, the Japanese government decided to give him a greeting and keep his body and put it in the National Science Museum in Tokyo to show the story of the rare dogs' loyalty that never happened before
Japanese newspapers wrote many books about him, and the complete thing is that after the death of the late Hachiko dog in 1933m, one of the sculptors made a statue of Hatshiko's pure bronze dogThe municipality placed him in front of the gate of the Shibuya station and Hachiko was present at the ceremony, but in World War II he used the statue to make weapons because of his precious metal

But after the end of the World War in 1948, a new statue of the late Hatshiko's dog was placed and kept in the same place at the stationOne of the highlights in Tokyo, which many tourists visit throughout the year and take pictures with him
Another statue of the dog was made in his original country and was placed in front of the station of Abidata city in the Japanese state of Akita, and Hatshiko's story turned into a story that studies the curricula of the Japanese students
Hatchiko is celebrated every year for dog lovers, making Hatchiko a symbol of honor in the world
His rich writings have been prepared and distributed as a gift of loyalty

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