Important facts about pharaohs

Strange facts about pharaohs

Ancient Egypt was one of the most 
advanced civilizations in about 3000 years, and it left many monuments that showed it possessed a great culture and advanced sciences, so the culture of ancient Egypt civilization is studied in its  own field
The ancient kings of Egypt were known as the Pharaohs, and they are now widely known by this name, and sometimes used as "Pharaohs" to refer to all the peoples and kings of ancient Egyptian civilization

You may know that the Pharaonic civilization is famous for its mummies, huge pyramids and golden treasures, but you often do not know these strange and mysterious facts about that great civilization

: Facts about pharaohs  *

The ancient Egyptians shared food with the deat

The tombs in ancient Egypt were designed as a house showing the bearded bodies, not as a grave as we know now, as the dead were thought to remain in the surrounding bodies and not to be exited from them, or to return to them later

In the ancient Egyptians were celebrating a day they joined with their loved ones in their graves, and they even held different night festivals in graves, and all friends and relatives were eating with them to graves for their participation
They believed that the dead could eat and drink when provided regularly. Perhaps you are now laughing at this belief, but it is the truth; they may have been deceived by the witch or the like

The great pyramids were not built by slaves

The famous Greek historian Herodotus believes that the great and surprising pyramids were built by more than 100 thousand Abd, and also there are many modern films that show children, men and women slaves participating in the construction of the pyramids

But the fact is that about 5,000 permanent workers, some 20,000 temporary workers, were involved in the construction of the pyramids, were not slaves, and were treated fairly well

The pharaohs did not embalmed all the dead

Mummy - a dry, preserved body - is a remarkable Egyptian monument of high value. The process of fortification was very expensive and time-consuming, so the fortification was confined to the rich in society, and the bodies of the general people or the poor were disposed of by burying them in holes in the desert.

The ancient Egyptians believed that man could live again after death, but only if his body was kept to be similar to the human body, and that was the main reason for carving the dead in the ancient Egyptian civilization

Women enjoyed their full rights as men

In ancient Egypt, the law treated men and women of the same social class as some, which meant that women could own, sell, buy and inherit property, and could also live without guardianship

If divorce occurs between men and women, women have the right to raise their children, and also women have the right to bring cases before the courts of law to punish anyone who violates any of their rights. Even a woman at the Pharaohs was acting on her husband's behalf if he was absent from work issues

In ancient Egypt, the wife is responsible for all domestic  matters, child rearing and the management of domestic affairs, while the husband's task is essentially to work outside the home to earn money

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